Many of you might be a Travel enthusiast! Any guesses? How many countries will particiapte in Tokyo olympics?
205 countries qualified out of 206.
This may sound wiered, because total countries in the world is 195!
So, how can 206 countries participate in Tokyo when only 195 really exist? Well, simply not all countries participating in Olympics are really countries!
Simple! IOC takes the final call on who participates in Olympics.Each body or state is called NOC i.e National Olympic Committee. For Example, the Indian NOC is Indian Olympic Committee. So 206 are nothing but 206 NOCs.
It includes 193 UN member countries, 1 Non-member observer country of Palestine,9 Dependent territories of American Samoa,Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands, Hong Kong, Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Guam, Aruba and Puerto Rico, 2 Partially recongized states of Chinese Taipei or Taiwan and Kosova and 1 Almost-independent state of Cook islands.
Around 11,000 atheletes are expected to compete in Olympics this year!
No matter of geo or cultural background of an athelete, it gives the feeling of belonging to one beautiful blue planet!
As the Motto of Tokyo2020 will live right there "United by Emotion"
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